OKSANA LOZOVAAudit Manager Oksana – an experienced auditor and specialist in accounting and financial reporting. More than 6 years Oksana conducts and coordinates projects on audit and review of financial statements of companies and non-governmental organization, as well as providing …


Audit Manager

Oksana – an experienced auditor and specialist in accounting and financial reporting. More than 6 years Oksana conducts and coordinates projects on audit and review of financial statements of companies and non-governmental organization, as well as providing Pre-Award Survey; conducting and coordinating financial audit of projects (including audit of USAID-funded and SIDA-funded projects, British Embassy, EBRD); audit of the companies’ financial statements; advising on preparation of financial statements (stand-alone and consolidated/combined) prepared in accordance with IFRS, Ukrainian GAAP and other financial reporting frameworks;  analysis of business performance indicators (profitability, liquidity, working capital analysis etc.); analysis of entity’s business processes, identification, testing and improvement of internal controls.

Oksana has experience in conducting an audit of non-profit organizations at the request of donors in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.

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